Kangaroos at Lara!.... 65KM south-West of the big city of Melbourne, the start of the Western Plains that go for ever. This dry country with vast open spaces.
And above that, you see James on the aircraft from Manila to Tacloban. A BAC 320 I think, of Cebu Pacific. Above that, the aircraft sitting on the tarmac at Tacloban, seconds before I met Aileen. -----
Aileen thinks she may be pregnant.
There is the delay, the constant headache, the drowsiness, the sensations and firmness of the breasts.
She is taking a test this morning.
If she is pregnant, we hope the baby will be born in Australia in October-November.
- It will be a surprise.
We took no precautions and were hoping that eventually a pregnancy would occur
But we did not expect anything as soon as this.
I have not attempted to dicttate to Aileen.
For her part, she has acknowledged our mutual need to enjoy time together before the complication of parenting.
For each of us, this would be our first child.
Possibly we would place the child for a year or two with Aileen's parents.
So just as i waited endlessly yesterday when Ai travelled on her usual saturday shopping trip to
Tacloban, and bought a pregnancy testing kit, hoping she would do he test urgently, so I am now waitin this morning. - the time difference during Australian daylight saving time, is 3 hours.
Am I happy if it is a pregnancy?
I had considered myself too old to have a child, so.... it is good!
An expression of love.
After meeting Aileen on exchanges over the internet in September, we have actually fallen in love. Not just for my looks! Not just for hers either! But something deep.