The LA Cafe is open 24 hours and you pay 200 Pesos or $5 Australian for admission to the upper floor. There you get a succession of live bands ranging from good to bad.
there is an abundance of loose Philippino women and a scattering of "foreigners", all having a fabulous time.
Yes, there is much more to Manila than LA Cafe, but in my short acquainance with this risky city, I had no idea where to go. And I discovered that Ai was not keen on the loud noises and the risky sound of contemporary band music. I had played down my age by heading for what seemed a certainty to impress a twenties girl. I was wrong.
Ai prefers sentimental songs of a more sedate character. The Philippines is an old softy when it comes to soul-driven love songs. Ai will sing the lines of a love song. To do so she pitches her voice into a Mariah Carey false-soprano effect, which is
the cool way to articulate your ballad.
So... thanks to the hospitality of Dativa, in husband Michael's absence in melbourne, we had a super large bedroom in their apartment on Roxas Boulevard. Roxas is the St Kilda Esplanade of Manila. The bayside highway, thronged with traffic, running 30 km along the Manila waterfornt until it runs out of guts somewhere in that dismal end of town where the filthy river pours into the already filthy Bay.
We took a taxi to the Australian Embassy to make first approaches for a visa. - the officer on duty was a very relaxed Philippino woman.In exhange for some introductory material, she congratulted us on our good fortune in meeting , and asked how she could get some ideas on finding an Australian to marry as her Philippino husband was treating her with neglect. The chance of a visa in a hurry did not seem all that great.
In the relative freedom of Manila. Free, that is, when compared with the strictures of village life. I pursued my personal fetish of squeezing Aileen into the shortest skirts and the most alluring bits and pieces. So much so that there was a tension betwen us over how much leg should be exposed. We became regulars in the ladies [shorter than average] fashion floors of the Harrison and Robinson and Mall of Asia department stores.
Shopping in Manila is fun. The stores are usually bright and modern, greatly overstaffed with smiling and friendly assistants. But importantly the prices are some 50% of Australian prices, based on the artificially low exchange rate.
Aileen told me of a saucy incident when caught in the changing room between this or that size skirt and top, left standing in just her undies, the two shop girls looked her over and told her she looked sexy. What service!
Our time in Manila was as happy as the previous week in Samar. We were getting along famously. maybe the ceeky clothing supply was adding spice to what was already a vital curry!
If it happens that Aileen is pregnant from our couple of weeks together, we are left wondering what particular moment or position or inspiration created the child!
Was it the very first time? Or was it the time we both made it as Ai believes.
But following my pattern on 4 previous trips, I had reserved a less expensive room at the Orchid Inn hotel in the city of the angels, Angeles City, some 2 hours by bus up the North Luzon Expressway from Manila! Not expecting Ai to enjoy the bars and bargirls, but perhaps to ease a loosening of her restraints.....
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